Saturday, May 2, 2015

40 Days To Go and a New Inhaler

So far I've been on Qvar inhalers to help with my Exercise Induced Asthma and, whilst it helps, it's not been totally effective.  So, my pulmonary doctor has now put me on Dulera which, hopefully, will knock my EIA on its head.  One of the possible side effects of this inhaler is inflammation of the nose and throat and, boy, did I wake up with a sore throat this morning!  It felt like my soft palate was three times its normal size!  Sipping on a nice hot cup of tea soon sorted that out, though.  This inhaler can take up to a month to become effective so I still have a way to go but I'm optimistic.

It's a beautiful sunny day here today and I have circuits to look forward to later.  In the meantime, I have laundry to do and some sun bathing  :)

Rubbish weight gain today, by the way.  I really shouldn't have eaten those Quesadillas last night but I'm gonna work my ass off later to burn those calories!!

Click 'read more' to see my stats for today!

Friday, May 1, 2015

41 Days To Go

Feeling far more inspired today.  I have no idea why but I feel really focussed.  Things at work have settled and I can focus more on my running again.

10.00pm  Just had a really good 3 mile run.  Had a small amount of wheezing due to my EIA but pushed through it and did my best to control my breathing.  Had a good sprint at the end with almost instant recovery.  Really happy!

Click 'read more' to see my stats for today!

42 Days To Go

Click 'read more' to see my stats for today!

43 Days To Go

Very happy with my weight today!  My boobs are really starting to shrink and my whole body is looking more toned. I still have a very long way to go but I'm on my way!

Click 'read more' to see my stats for today!

44 Days To Go

I don't really have much to say today.  My work life is very upside down at the moment and I'm finding it difficult to control my weight and focus on my fitness.  I can't wait for things to settle back down again.  Stay with me!!

Click 'read more' to see my stats for today!